This morning I got the lovely opportunity to sit in on the RTR FCA huddle! This was our last visit to a surrounding huddle for the year. We started off the morning by doing a little bit of off roading since we missed a turn. We made it to Tyler (with only a 4 minute detour - go us!). We walked in the high school and then proceeded to get lost. Thankfully someone helped us find the room and we sat down. Students started to trickle in and sit down.
Casey and Caleb, two of the huddle leaders, started off the morning with an ice breaker. You would grab 3 M & M’s out of a bag and each of them would have to be a different color. There was a question that correlated with each color of M & M and if you had that color you would answer the question. I got to learn about people’s favorite TV shows, seasons, and animals. Then we got to break down into the Word.
Today’s message was about hope and trusting God with your future. Casey told us the lesson was called “If Only You Knew”. I love that. If only you knew what God had in store for you. If only you knew what delights would come out of the drudgery. Casey shared about how hard times in her life have lead to amazing gifts from the Lord that never would’ve been possible without her valleys. The leaders had us turn to the person next to us and talk about if we trust God with out futures and what gifts has God given us throughout our hardships.
Caleb then said something that really resonated with me.
You may feel like God isn’t there. You might feel abandoned or forgotten. YOU AREN’T! God is teaching and testing. He is waiting for you to raise your hands in worship and ask for his help. God will always be there no matter what. Robin told us your tests become your testimony. You don’t get to choose your testimony. You can only learn and trust God.
Once we were done with the lesson Leah, Zach, Kaylee, and I got to talk about (you’ll never guess) CAMP!!!! We shared once again what it means to be a huddle leader and how much you can learn from such a extraordinary experience. Getting to spend a day serving the future generation of FCA is such a reward and blessing. If you are reading this contact me or anyone in FCA about being a leader!!!!
We ended the morning with some bagels and donut holes. Caleb brought us down to the band room so Leah could surprise her cousin and then we wrapped up our morning in RTR.
On our way back we stopped at the cutest little coffee shop in Tyler called Deja Brew and then made our way back into Marshall (but this time we didn’t do any off roading ;) ).