Sitting in third block today I felt my phone buzz. I looked down to see a text from my FCA Leader, Robin. “SMSU FCA has invited our leadership team to their huddle tonight. Tarah Hobbs Nupson is coming to share at the college.” I didn’t have anything else going on that night so why not go. The Lord works in mysterious ways however, I would listen to a testimony that night that hit me hard.
Tarah grew up in Minnesota and played goal keeper at the University of Minnesota for the soccer team. Her testimony was filled with so many bits and pieces of experience and knowledge that really got me thinking.
Firstly, she started off with saying that she didn’t grow up in the church. She went to Christmas and Easter services but her church world didn’t extend beyond that. That bit of information I really thought on during my drive home. So many people consider themselves Christians but are not actively pursuing Christ. In Revelation 3:15 it states “Because you are lukewarm - neither hot nor cold - I am to spit you out of my mouth”. Doing the bare minimum in your faith is not enough. God spits out people who are not constantly and actively seeking Him out!! I can remember for so much of my early years my family and I were considered what we called “Cheasters”. Christmas and Easter church goers only. The church should be just as packed on a Sunday in July as it is during the holiday season. Jesus’ goodness goes so much further beyond the holidays.
Tarah continued on and spoke on her experience in sports. She told us how soccer became her God. She was putting all of her self worth into her performance on the field instead of in who God says she is. Tarah also talked on how if she had a bad game or didn’t play as well as she thought she should’ve she would translate that into who she was as a person. WE CANNOT PUT ALL OF OUR SELF WORTH INTO SOMETHING BUILT ON SHIFTING SAND. I want you to go back and read that again. Really let it sink in. When she said that I was genuinely stunned. I felt like God was talking directly to me. We put so much of our self worth into our earthly accomplishments. For Tarah, it was sports. It can be anything though: grades, popularity, social media. Anything that we accomplish here on earth will not come to Heaven with us but the one thing that will always be constant is Jesus! He will never leave. By building a foundation on Him we can stand firm and unfaltering. Now that’s not to say that we won’t struggle because we will! But by building a foundation with Jesus as the cornerstone He will take our suffering and use it for so much good. Tarah naturally used a sports metaphor while speaking on this. She said that suffering is the spiritual equivalent to a hard work out. A hard work out in sports tests you and builds your endurance to make you better while hardships in life test you and build up your faithful endurance.
Tarah ended her testimony sharing that the Lord met her in her brokenness. She is a true example of the Lord meeting you where you are and by accepting Him He will change your life! He is working all around us all the time!
It is so crazy how God works. I walked out of the FCA huddle tonight feeling so light because I knew God placed the opportunity to listen to Tarah’s message in front of me because it was just what I needed to be reminded of.